Boy Scouts at Holy Redeemer
Calling all boys from ages 11 to 17…Want adventure and achievement? Join Boy Scout Troop 740. We meet in the Four Seasons Room every Tuesday from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
In 1955, Father Bailey, the Pastor of Holy Redeemer Church, College Park, Maryland, chartered Boy Scout Troop 740. Fr. Bailey had been a scout as a youth and knew the value of the scouting program to boys and to the parish. Fr. Bailey put a notice in the bulletin that he was forming a troop and scheduled an organizational meeting. He was pleased when he saw all the cars pulling up, but was surprised when he found himself with twenty boys and no adults! In the following week’s bulletin, Fr. Bailey wrote that he was not planning to run the troop and told the parents to show up at the next meeting. Mark Kiernan can Bill Krashoc were among the first volunteers. Mr. Kiernan was the first Scoutmaster and Mr. Krashoc has been with the troop throughout its sixty-plus year history.
Troop 740 has provided a program to foster the spiritual and personal growth of the young men of the parish, the school and the community. The Troop participates in scouting activities sponsored by the Archdiocese, monthly troop campouts, District Camporees, week-long summer camps, National Jamborees and service projects for the parish and the community. The young men are encouraged to explore and acquire the many and varied merit badges, and Catholic religious medals. The troop continues to support established parish programs as well as projects for the greater community with the continual goal of assisting boys in becoming men of honor.
Cub Scouts at Holy Redeemer
The Boy Scouts of America was founded in 1910, and became federally chartered with the United States in 1916. Cub Scouts came into being in 1930. Millions of boys have worn the uniform, cooked over an open fire at a campsite, earned awards, raced their Pinewood Derby cars, worked on service projects, and made new friends under the umbrella of Scouting.
Flowing underneath all this fun and excitement is a character-building program that encourages making good ethical choices, family strengthening, physical fitness, and citizenship skills in the lives of our boys.
Scouting utilizes an advancement system that requires a boy to ‘Do His Best’ to fulfill and complete the requirements outlined in his handbook so that he may earn his rank badge.
Pack 740 follows a ‘Scout year’ of September to June and upon nearing the end of the school term, all the boys ‘cross over’ into the next rank. During the summer, Dens work on achievements may be suspended as the Pack will meet monthly at fun outings such as a rain gutter regatta, baseball game, Pack swim, etc. that goes toward the boys earning their Summertime Award pin.
There are many, many events offered in Scouting. In addition to the events at Den meetings, Pack 740 will have family camping trips, Pinewood Derby races, Scout Sunday, a Blue and Gold dinner, and much more that’s just for us in the Pack 740.
LEADER: Dawn Powers - contact the Parish Office to be put in touch with her!
Girl Scout Daisies
Girl Scout Daisies are in kindergarten and first grade (generally, ages 5-7). Daisies learn how to work together and develop values as they play together and learn about Girl Scouts. Daisies can earn petals for learning about the Girl Scout Law, and they have special Daisy leadership journeys.
The two Daisy leadership journeys available are Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden and Between Earth and Sky. Daisies are able to complete service projects with older troops. They may participate in Council cookie and fall product sales and attend Girl Scout camp. This group gets its name from Girl Scout founder, Juliette Gordon Low, whose nickname was "Daisy."
LEADERS: Paula Tuttle and Cheryl Williams - contact the Parish Office to be put in touch with them!
Girl Scout Brownies
Girl Scout Brownies are in second and third grades (generally, ages 7-9). Brownies learn about themselves, their families, friends, and the world around them. They can earn Try-Its for learning new things, and they have special Brownie leadership journeys.
The two Brownie leadership journeys available are called Brownie Quest and WOW! Brownies can go to fun and interesting places and take part in both Council product sales. They may wear a distinctive brown beanie for which they are known.
Girl Scout Juniors
Girl Scout Juniors are in fourth and fifth grades (generally, ages 9-11). Juniors begin to assume responsibility and practice their leadership skills as they try new activities. These girls also go to fun and interesting places, explore computers and technology, and explore the world through outdoor adventures and sports. Juniors earn badges as they master new skills, and they have special Junior leadership journeys.
The two Junior leadership journeys available are called Agent of Change and Get Moving! Juniors are eligible to complete the Bronze Award for community service.
Girl Scout Cadettes
Girl Scout Cadettes are in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades (generally, ages 11-13). Cadettes can participate in national events, serve on some girl planning boards and are eligible to earn the Girl Scout Silver Award. Cadettes explore outdoor adventures and sports such as sailing, drill team, horseback riding and canoeing. Cadettes work on Interest Project Awards that match their interests and talents, and they have special Cadette leadership journeys.
The two Cadette leadership journeys available are called aMAZE and Breathe! They take on more responsibility for their activities and learn to set goals. Girls who are in the seventh grade or higher may also attend leadership-development trainings such as Leader-in-Training (L.I.T.), Program Aide and Counselors-in-Training (C.I.T.) to help them develop their leadership skills.
LEADERS: Kathryn Kovarik and Demi McAndrew - contact the Parish Office to be put in touch with them!
Girl Scout Seniors
Girl Scout Seniors are in grades nine and ten (generally, ages 13-15). They are responsible for planning their own activities with support from their adult advisors. They are learning to be leaders by serving as role models for younger girls. Seniors work on Interest Project Awards that match their interests and talents, and they have special Senior leadership journeys.
The two Senior leadership journeys available are called GIRLtopia: Toward an Ideal World for Girls and Sow What Seniors are eligible to begin work on the Gold Award, the highest award in Girl Scouting. These girls travel to national and international events and serve in leadership capacities on girl planning boards. They may now attend trainings in a variety of areas, including leadership development, program levels and First Aid/CPR. In addition, girls who are at least 14 years old may be elected to serve as Council or National Delegates.