Dear Parish Family-
Good open, honest, communication keeps a community, and everyone in it, healthy and happy. No one should have to keep a secret that could harm someone else. Help is often just a phone call, or email, away. In our parish, we have committed ourselves to honest and transparent communication (of course while respecting rights to privacy of employees and employment law). With many safeguards already in place in our parish to ensure everyone’s health and safety, I offer you this additional list of “What do I do? Who do I call?”
Call the Police or Civil Authority: If you become aware a crime of any type has occurred, immediately contact the police. Next, please inform me, your pastor.
Contact the Office of Child Protection: Please note that any concerns about potential abuse of children or vulnerable adults should be reported directly and immediately to local law enforcement, as directed by the archdiocese’s Child Protection Policy. Next, please contact me, your pastor, and Courtney Chase in the Office of Child Protection at (301)853-4500 or email her at [email protected].
Call the Ethics and Compliance Hotline: If you are ever concerned about the handling of any other ethical situations, including financial mismanagement, please call (855)290-3381 or click: This hotline is operated by an independent third-party company, NAVEX Global, to help protect the archdiocese’s vibrancy and health. Reports will be confidential and can be made anonymously. All reports will be taken seriously and promptly investigated by the archdiocese.
Contact the Vicar for Clergy: If you have an unresolved concern about your pastor or any priest in the Archdiocese of Washington, contact Bishop Michael Fisher at (301)853-4500 or [email protected].
Contact your ministry/group leader: If you are involved in a group within our parish, such as Scouts, CYO, Religious Education, and have a concern, please contact the leader of that group. If unresolved, contact the pastor.
Contact your teacher/principal: If you are a member of our school community and have a concern, please follow the school’s procedure by contacting the teacher first. If unresolved, then contact the principal. If still unresolved, contact your pastor.
Call our parish emergency line: If you ever have a sacramental emergency and need a priest to offer the Anointing of the Sick at the hospital or at home, just call our main number, (301)474-3920, anytime. For late night calls, just “hit 3” and your call will be directed to one of the priest’s cell phones. Do not hesitate to call. We are especially happy to help in these situations.
Call your pastor: A conversation with your pastor is usually the best place to start if you are ever troubled. I’d like to invite you to contact me if you ever have any questions on your mind at all. I’m happy to help. You are the reason I’m here since I’ve been sent here to serve you. My email address is: [email protected] and phone number is (301)474-3920. With a continual and renewed commitment to honest and transparent communication, I pray the Lord continue to bless our parish with vitality and happiness. And I continue to pray our parish never be an obstacle to faith but always a great source of support to each individual and family within our community.