On Saturday, June 20
th, at St. Catherine Laboure Catholic Church, eight men were ordained into the priesthood, including our own Holy Redeemer parishioner,
Fr. Stefan Yap, and last year’s Holy Redeemer summer seminarian,
Fr. Nathanael Anderson. Holy Redeemer was blessed to be able to welcome Fr. Stefan and his family back on Sunday, June 21
st at 12:00 noon for his first Mass as a priest of Jesus Christ. We were also very honored to be able to host two small, socially distanced receptions for both Fr. Nate and Fr. Stefan and their families at Holy Redeemer on Saturday and Sunday of ordination weekend, respectively.
Holy Redeemer has a remarkable track record of seminarians who went on to the priesthood after spending summers or pastoral years with us:
Fr. Patrick Mullan, Fr. Sam Plummer, Fr. Chip Luckett, Fr. Andrew Wakefield, Fr. Joe Cwik (who is now back from Rome for good), Fr. Christian Huebner, and
Fr. Nate Anderson.
Please keep these men and Fr. Stefan, along with our summer seminarian from two years ago,
Isaac Sagastume, who is still in seminary and returning from itinerancy in Arizona this summer, as well as those who have discerned different paths, in your prayers.