The Parish Office may have physically shut down during the quarantine, but rest assured, the parish staff was not idle!
Fr. Mark and Fr. Andrew continued to work from the Rectory, celebrated private Masses every day, and ministered to parishioners in any way they could.
Kathie, our bookkeeper, and
James, our maintenance supervisor, as essential employees, journeyed in to Holy Redeemer every day and worked full days.
Marie and Maria, largely worked from home, putting in full days from their home office and from their music studio, respectively. Boy, are we glad to be back together again at Holy Redeemer though, and we can’t wait until the day that all of our parish family is together again!
We want to hear your thoughts. These are such strange times. How can we serve you better? Please give us your feedback! You can reach us at 301-474-3920. God bless!