Holy Redeemer School recognized a need for more physical plant space to accommodate growth within our school, particularly for a new Music Room. At their request, they were given the space above the school on the second floor, formerly housing our convent and currently used only for storage, to be used for this Music Room. This may also serve as a more suitable parish choir rehearsal space as well. Construction is set to begin this coming May.
The following details the status:
SEPTEMBER 2017: We began planning the conversion of the space beginning with the overdue work of replacing the roof.
SUMMER 2018: HRS put the roof project out to bid, chose a contractor, obtained grants, received ADW permission and the $68,000 contract was approval. The work began as soon as the school year concluded.
SEPTEMBER 2018: HRS chose an architect for the Music Room construction project, obtained grants and raised funds to complete the renovation. The project was temporarily held until our new principal arrived with enthusiastic support for the work to resume.
NOVEMBER 2018: Harvest Bazaar 2018 proceeds were added to Music Room savings account.
AUGUST 6, 2019: Pastor and committee met with architect to plan timeline for completion
AUGUST 2019: Architect drew up draft of design and delivered to HR to review. Pastor and committee met to review. Committee met again with architect for final review and changes.
SEPTEMBER 2019: Architects revised and finalized plans/drawings. HR meet with architect and approved plans.
OCTOBER, 2019: Architect prepared documentation to be sent out to 3 contractors to bid on project.
NOVEMBER 2019: Project sent out for bid with mid-November deadline for contractors to submit proposals.
NOVEMBER 2019: Waiting for bids/proposals from contractors. Choose a contractor and award the contract.
DECEMBER 2019/January 2020: Architect acquires necessary permits
JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020: HR gets necessary permission and contract approval from Archdiocese of Washington.
FEBRUARY 2020: Address any shortfall in funds
APRIL 2020: Demo begins
JUNE 2020: Construction begins, follow-up, furnish
BEGINNING of 2020-21 School Year: Dedicate and bless the room. Begin occupancy.