Ministers of Hospitality
People experience the presence of Jesus Christ in the world through the ministry of the church. The first task of the parish community is to reach out to all people in Christian love and service. Christian hospitality draws people together, opens them to participation, and sets the tone for the liturgy.
The Ministry of Hospitality is crucial because it is so visible in the Church. Certainly, the attitude, conduct and even the appearance of the Ministers of Hospitality directly affects, either positively or negatively, the experience of the faithful at Mass.
Those who wish to serve as a Minister of Hospitality should be active and faithful members of the parish for at least 6 months. They should be of good character and reputation. Respect for others, discretion and appropriate decorum are the hallmarks of a Minister of Hospitality. Above all, Ministers of Hospitality should be noted for their care to the assembly. These qualities are found in mature Christians - qualities that transcend chronological age.
The Minister of Hospitality should be comfortable meeting and greeting others, always ready to extend a sense of welcome to others and make them feel at home. Such qualities are a blessing, especially to the stranger in our midst.
What does a Minister of Hospitality do?
Minister of Hospitality, commonly called ushers or greeters, are responsible for welcoming parishioners and visitors into the church, taking up the collection, distributing bulletins at the end of Mass, and straightening the pew racks at the end of Mass.
What are the qualities of a Minister of Hospitality?
Ministers of Hospitality are friendly people who welcome all ages and nationalities. Their faith enables them to see Christ’s presence in individuals and in the gathered community of believers. They are honest and dependable. Ministers of Hospitality are able to handle emergency situations with courage and composure.
What’s the time commitment?
Generally, the time commitment is about 15 minutes before and after your Mass a few times per month. That may vary depending on the particular Mass you serve.
Who should I contact if I have more questions?
Feel free to speak to any of the Ministers of Hospitality that serve at our Masses and talk with them about their experience. If you have any further questions, please contact the Parish Office by phone: 301-474-3920 or by e-mail: [email protected].
If you feel that this important ministry is one that you would like to pursue or if you would like more information, please click below, and someone from the parish office will be in touch. Thank you for your consideration!
Throughout the ages, hospitality has been an important part of civilized life. Indeed, in ancient cultures, hospitality was necessary for survival in a hostile environment and therefore, it was a sacred duty to provide shelter and warmth for a guest. Sacred scripture is full of examples of Old Testament heroes who provided hospitality to strangers only to realize that they were messengers from God. Jesus was a guest of “sinners,” Pharisees, and disciples. It was in a simple act of hospitality - washing his apostles’ feet - that he taught them true humility and service. Our parishes, too, must be a source and model of hospitality. As a People of God, our most significant gathering is at Sunday Liturgy. Christ, himself, is “always present in his Church.” He is present in his Word, in the Eucharistic elements, and in the person of the priest. He is present, too, in the assembly, “when the Church prays and sings, for he promised, ‘wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’” (CSL #7)
Would you like the opportunity to become a Minister of Hospitality? Please fill out the form below and we will contact you!