The CYO Sports program is about teaching children the skills needed for playing games, and many more skills for making friends and for living a life hat is well rounded.
Most importantly, we want the children to have fun, learn how to work together as a team and always exhibit good sportsmanship. As a form of Youth Ministry, CYO Sports calls for the best of athletic values and youth ministry in an integrated approach to faith development.
Approximately, 157 children from Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade participate. Teams in grades 3-8 play in the Archdiocese of Washington Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) League. Intramural teams are fielded for grades Pre-K-2.
Parish children and youth from both Holy Redeemer School, the local public schools, and homeschools are welcome and invited to participate in CYO Sports!
Fall Sports: Soccer, Cross Country
Registration Deadline: Third Friday in June
Winter Sports: Basketball
Registration Deadline: Third Friday in October
Spring Sports: Baseball, Softball, T-Ball, Track & Field
Registration Deadline: Third Friday in February.
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