The Second Vatican Council famously described the Eucharist as the “source and summit of the Christian Life.” In this sacrament we encounter our risen Lord, “body, blood, soul, and divinity.” Our celebration of the Eucharist, Sunday after Sunday, perhaps even daily, is the central activity of our lives; it is as well what constitutes us as the Church.
In aid of further understanding this great mystery of our faith, Fr. Andrew will be offering a two-part talk series on the Eucharist. The first talk will be held on June 2nd at 3:00 p.m. At this session the focus will be on the (I) Eucharist as a memorial of the once and for all sacrifice of Christ (II) as the Lord’s abiding presence with us on our earthly pilgrimage (III) and as a foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet that is God’s Kingdom.
The second talk will occur on June 9th at 3:00 p.m. At this session we will explore the (IV) Eucharist as simultaneously what the Church offers and what constitutes the Church (V) the Eucharist as revelatory of the nature and destiny of the human person (VI) and the place of Eucharist devotion in the lives of God’s Pilgrim People. The second talk will lead into Pentecost Evening Prayer at 4:00 in the church.
Both talks with be held in Fealy Hall (handicapped accessible - park in the lot behind Fealy Hall and use the ramp to access the building). All are welcome.