MUSIC ROOM: Our big project this summer is the renovation of the Music Room which will be used by Holy Redeemer School music classes and Parish choirs. This project that was financed primarily through a Non-Public Aging Building Grant, through fundraising efforts of Holy Redeemer School, and from generous donations of parish and school families, is underway! As we speak, we can hear the hammers, saws, and drills working away. Because of world events, we abandoned the idea of converting the empty former convent space into a Music Room and instead are focused on renovating our current Music Room into a state-of-the-art space that is both creative and inspiring for our students and choirs.
MEZZANINE ENTRY AREA: A smaller, but no less important project that we’re working on, is turning our Mezzanine, the central hub around which the church, school, and gathering space flow, in to a more welcoming and warm space. It is amazing what some beautiful refinishing of doors leading into the church, some paint, and some new carpet can do to make the space more inviting!
EXTERIOR DOORS: A stripping and refinishing of our wooden exterior doors entering from the front of the church and from the Mezzanine was long overdue. Now the wood looks fresh, beautiful, and protected for years to come!
VARIOUS SMALL PROJECTS: At the end of every school year, after months of wear and tear, it takes a huge effort to bring the school back to spic and span again. This year, James Brosnihan, our maintenance supervisor started earlier than expected, but he has been hard at work painting, landscaping, and tackling all of those small projects that need to be done in order to keep our facilities looking good and operating smoothly.